Jenny Gomez joined Camillus House in 2010 as a clinical social work intern and was later hired as a clinician. In the following years, Ms. Gomez served in several capacities within the organization with a focus on clinical and treatment services. Today, she oversees the daily operation of several residential treatment programs, including substance use and mental health treatment program (ISPA), jail diversion and Veteran’s Treatment Court program as well as Project Phoenix, which serves adult-female survivors of human trafficking. She also oversees three specialized outreach programs that include the Lazarus Project, which serves individuals with chronic and persistent mental illness, Matt Talbot, and PATH, which serves individuals discharged from jails, hospitals, or other institutions.

Prior to joining Camillus House, Jenny was a Case Manager Supervisor for Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Center serving the elderly population through programs such as Adult Protective Services, Aged and Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver, Assisted Living for the Elderly Waiver, and Home and Community Care for the Elderly. Jenny has also served as an adjunct faculty and field liaison at Florida International University teaching social work students. She currently supervises social work interns from various universities.

Jenny, who was born in Cuba and resides in Miami, is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is interested in researching the transformative experience of homelessness using phenomenology and participatory social action. Jenny received her Master’s in Social Work from Florida International University and her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Miami. She is a licensed clinical social worker in the State of Florida and can supervise both registered social work and marriage and family therapy interns.